Steve & Kate’s Camp
45 Camps around the U.S. serving about 30,000 kids
We shared this video with campers during the daily Showcase to help them get started with the Pool and help them submit their own show-and-tell films
Making work and inspiration available to kids at Camp was at the heart of this effort. I believe having access to share and reflect on previous creations play key roles in learning. Giving kids a view into what might be possible and the access to the skills necessary to achieve their unique visions is also paramount.
A logged-in view where kids could see all the projects they had created
A kiosk view of a project detail. Kids often used kiosks to watch and share their film creations
This video features a Coding App I created and highlighted in a how-to video released for our Pool Program Arc
Campers could download creations to rework recordings or films if they returned to a different iPad after lunch
Photo: Kate
A Camper following one of our Program Designers Fashion how-to’s in the Pool. Fashion was the run-away star for skill views.
Parents viewed camper projects at a rate of almost twice their creation. That suggests almost every file uploaded was viewed more than once! While allowing digital uploads at Camp required building moderation solutions, supporting different file types from all the creative apps, managing networks at Camp sites around the country, and supporting staff who curated daily show-and-tells, it was worth it to see the pride with which kids shared their work.
Parents could view and filter their kid’s creations at home
We employed external moderators, but staff could also view uploads for their site, moderate, and download Showcase playlists from selected submissions
A Camp Showcase where kids’ film projects could be screened after they submitted them