
Asian Art Museum


Product & UX

The Asian Art Museum project was one of my favorites during my time at Carbon Five. I led a small team (including a designer, back-end developer, and me) while working with our client/product owner at the museum to build a custom content management system featuring their new brand.

Working at C5 was an education in iterative development practice. Moreover, writing CSS styles required a great deal of attention to visual and behavioral detail that taught me a lot about design. On this project, I did the UX for the CMS, pulling on my experience from SFMOMA to create a user-friendly solution.


Asian Art Museum Community

My Role:

  • Project management
  • CSS
  • User Experience for CMS

Site Design:

  • Elias Crouch


  • Finalist International Design Communication Awards 2013
Asian Art Homepage

The Asian Art homepage, circa 2013