


Product & UX, Strategy

Ninefold was a cloud computing company in Australia that provided infrastructure as a service (IaaS). They wanted to make their server configuration process more user friendly and reduce support requests. Through Presence Product Group, I did a product user experience analysis to identify top priorities and scope the problem space.

I then engaged Presence's design partner, Awasu Design, and structured a project to address the top priorities identified in my analysis. Working with Awasu, I led a short project and conducted user research using their designs. Through interviews and the use of clickable prototypes, I was able to provide real-time design feedback and we delivered an improved user experience.


Server configuration & billing for Ninefold

My Role:

  • Product & Strategy Consulting
  • User Interviews
  • Purchasing
  • Staff training materials


  • Awasu Design
 Improving the user onboarding process with clearer steps, more in-place help

Improving the user onboarding process with clearer steps, more in-place help