45 Camps around the U.S. serving about 30,000 kids
A screen shown with “ready for checkout” campers
We used Chromeboxes to run a web application staff could configure based on their location
A screen displaying the weekly Program Arc
Screens were also used for displaying content from the Pool
Campers take a karaoke break
Images from my staff training library for Screens set-up
Screens Around Camp was a very early project during my tenure. It was very valuable before we created The Pool, but afterwards, its importance lessened since we had other tools for centralized content and communication. For small teams and businesses, it can be important to decide which products are worth the cost of maintenance. Over time, the other releases were more valuable, especially as staff gained better network support and mobile access to Curbside. I consider feature and product editing to be as an important part of product design over time. It’s hard to let go of things that aren’t broken, but as systems grow, sunsetting features and products that are no longer central to operations can also improve the functionality and quality of those that are. We kept Curbside, but eventually retired Screens.